Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Please be sure to read the following site policy when browsing and using this website. By using the information and contents of this website (hereinafter referred to as "the Contents"), you are deemed to have agreed to the following terms and conditions. Please note that the Contents are subject to change without notice.

・Prohibited matters

RESTAR Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "RESTAR"), prohibits the following: any act that infringes on the property or privacy of RESTAR or any third party, any act that causes disadvantage or damage to RESTAR, any act that violates any laws or regulations, or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by RESTAR, including any act that may lead to such an infringement.


The copyright and moral rights of this content belong to the Company or the provider of this content. Unless permitted by copyright law, unauthorized diversion or reproduction of this content for any purpose is prohibited. If you wish to use this content by copying, etc., please contact us in advance.


We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this content, but we do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of this content. By accessing this website, users of this website agree that the Company is not responsible for any loss directly or indirectly caused by using this content.

・Link Policy

If you wish to establish a link to this website, please be sure to obtain our consent in advance. Websites operated by third parties other than the Company may provide links to this website, and this website may provide links to websites operated by third parties other than the Company. We are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of information or content on websites operated by third parties, or for any damages incurred as a result of their use.

・Governing law and competent court

The use of this website and the interpretation and application of this website policy and disclaimer shall be governed by the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified. For all disputes regarding this website, unless otherwise specified, the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.